🦍🦍 Apes Together Farm 💪🏻💪🏻

WallStreetBets DApp
4 min readApr 26, 2021


The $WSB Governance Token is designed to allow the community to participate in the project’s key decisions. In order to decentralize sufficiently, we will be starting with a 30 Day $WSB Liquidity Mining program on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:00:00 AM GMT.

The farming page is live and can be found here: https://farm.wsbdapp.com.

To continue to be fair to our community there will be a 24 hour period between launching the Farming page (now) and the Liquidity Mining rewards going live in the the next day:

  • This allows for a fair-launch.
  • Users keen to start farming from the moment of launch now have time to prepare themselves, i.e. lock up capital in PancakeSwap V2 (links below) — generate LP tokens and load them into their farm.wsbdapp.com interface.
  • We are constantly making improvements to the User Experience and users will be able to instantly start farming on farm.wsbdapp.com in the coming days — without needing to go to Pancakeswap first.
  • Until then — Get your LP tokens at Pancakeswap! See instructions below.

Check your existing liquidity: PancakeSwap encountered a significant hiccup with the rollout of their V2 pools, and discontinued their first V2 pools before beginning new ones. If you happen to have liquidity locked in the *discontinued V2* pool, you should migrate it to the proper V2 pool. This can all be accomplished through Pancakeswap’s migration page here:


What is liquidity mining?

Liquidity mining, also known as yield farming, is the act of providing liquidity via cryptocurrencies on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Since one of the primary goals of a DeFi project is to amass liquidity, projects seek to reward users willing to bring capital to their platform.

What does farming mean for WSB?

Provide WSB-BNB, WSB-CAKE or WSB-BUSD liquidity and stake your LP tokens to earn WSB. This further ensures we have sufficient liquidity to support our ecosystem.

What is the WSB emissions schedule?

100M WSB tokens in total. 50M WSB tokens available in Month 1 and halving every month thereafter. Ie month 2: 25m, month 3: 12.5m etc with the last 2 months being flat.

High level guide in 3 steps:

  1. Add liquidity to our WSB-BNB pool or WSB-BUSD pool or WSB-CAKE pool on https://farm.wsbdapp.com
  2. Stake LP tokens
  3. Harvest $WSB rewards (claim button at your discretion)

Go Live date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:00:00 AM GMT


A simple step by step tutorial follows. We will further improve our educational content as we go.

1. Choose your pool

Each liquidity mining option earns you WSB for providing liquidity on Pancake Swap. To start, choose the pool you wish to add liquidity to.

2. Go to Pancake Swap

You will need to proceed to pancake swap and add liquidity once you’ve clicked on the link. To add liquidity you need to hold both tokens. For instance BNB and WSB in a proportional amount.

3. Choose your liquidity amount

On the pancake swap pool you will enter the amount in either WSB or the alternate token. Pancakeswap will auto calculate and then you can approve your liquidity. Make sure you approve the transactions in your wallet. Once you’ve added Liquidity you can scroll down to confirm on Pancakeswap.

4. Deposit LP Tokens

LP Tokens are the tokens you receive for your liquidity. These are held in your wallet and can be staked into our farming contract. Choose the amount you wish to stake and click confirm.

5. Approve Transactions

Your wallet will request two transactions allowing the contract to reward you for supplying LP Tokens for your chosen pair.

6. Deposit more/Unstake and Claim Earnings

Once there are tokens in the pool you will be able to start earning. You will earn tokens for the time you’ve staked and you can click Claim now to retrieve your rewards. If you wish to remove liquidity from pancake swap you can simply click unstake and return to the same pool and retrieve your initial liquidity.

For reference:



Happy Farming!

~ WSB DApp team

